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Pay As You Go Property Management Services

By Gary Steed

Take advantage of our skills and experience – with no ongoing fees.

As part of our progressive and proactive attitude towards property management we have released our latest initiative for the do-it-yourself Landlord: Pay As You Go Property Management Services.

We all know New Zealanders are great DIYers. It’s a strength but sometimes a weakness. Property management has become a specialised field with vast legal implications. With recent industry changes the need to be on top of your game, as a Landlord, is now more important than ever. Designed to maximise your property’s potential, streamline the tenancy process and protect you and your property our Pay As You Go service can make your investment a real success – with no ongoing fees. Simply pay for what you need, when you need it.

Landlords are just like small business owners – in the business of renting and managing their investment property.

We understand the importance of growth and profitability, but appreciate too that landlords can struggle to find the time for some basic routine tasks like interviewing tenants and performing routine inspections – or simply skip some crucial steps: like performing thorough tenancy checks (which can end up costing them dearly in the long run). Similarly, it can be hard to keep up with all the new legislation and ensure your paperwork is compliant – and gets where it needs to be. Our Pay As You Go service eliminates these hassles by providing access to professional services where and when you need them.

Our Pay As You Go services include:

  • Find me a tenant $250
  • Lodge my Tenancy Tribunal application $100
  • Attend my Tenancy Tribunal Hearing $150
  • Conduct my routine inspection $100
  • Background and/or credit checks $25
  • Draft me a breach letter $25
  • Ingoing property condition report $150
  • Other services from $50 per hour

Investment properties should make money for you, not work. These time saving solutions will help you get on with the effective management of your own investment property – with the best possible protection for both you and your home.

We are also able to provide up-to-date and expert advice on the property management industry – including all the new regulations should you simply want a standard consultation or portfolio review, and are happy to discuss:

  • Adding value to your investment
  • Achieving maximum income
  • The changing face of residential property investment in New Zealand
  • Managing your investment for long-term gains
  • Appropriate expenditure on maintenance
  • Keeping your property saleable and positioned for growth
  • The Ray White property management process

Consider Ray White Mangonui your business consultants. Here to help you manage all aspects of your portfolio.
Take advantage of our skills and experience – with no ongoing fees – today!

Ray White Mangonui Property Management 09 945 7167
021 897 394

Note: All prices correct at time of publication, and based on services performed within residential boundaries. Additional travel time may be required for inspections, and services, performed outside of these areas. Contact your Ray White Mangonui Property Manager for an accurate quote.

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